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The Life-changing Biomedical Programme to help your child

Heal, Thrive and Outgrow Autism Symptoms






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your child's future 





 If you're the mum or dad of a young child with a

developmental challenge, this remarkable programme is for you!

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THRIVEChild is for you if your child is neurodiverse 

(with, or without a diagnosis)


Have you been told your child is ‘on the Spectrum’, or that s/he has'  ADD/HD?
Does your child have a behaviour, nervous system, sensory, metabolic,  or degenerative disorder - or a brain injury?
Perhaps you've noticed the missed milestones or that persistent voice in your head telling you that something is not quite right
Do you wonder how to move forward but don't know where to begin? 

Every child deserves a bright future,

but it won't happen by chance!

 Are you deeply committed to do what it takes to create the best possible life for your child and family, but you...

  • are losing hope?
  • feel fearful and worried about your child's future?
  • live with meltdowns, tantrums and chaos?
  • can't get the breakthrough your child deserves?
  • are confused and frustrated by outdated therapies?

There is a better way!

  • Understand your child's unique needs
  • Ease your daily stress and overwhelm
  • Learn how to restart optimal development
  • Find support and community
  • Help your child heal,  grow and thrive.

Hi, I'm Dr B and I'm relentlessly optimistic for you and your child.

Many parents have devoted years to helping their child, And still, the progress they see is painfully slow

But effort alone is not enough. We need to do the right things, for the right child, at the right time.  I designed THRIVEChild to show you how.

My motivation is deeply felt. I know how painful and frustrating it is to live each day with a child whose health and development is damaged.

But more importantly, I know the immense gratitude and peace we feel when a child is able to live his or her best life and become the happy, healthy, incredible individual s/he was destined to be.

Let me show you how this can be your experience, too 

The THRIVEChild Approach: Effective solutions tailored to your child's unique needs.

Unique pathways to healing 

THRIVECHILD is designed for parents who are dedicated to working extensively to help their child.

If you have tried special diets and therapies for your child but find that barriers remain, or you need a deeper insight and guidance to help shape your child’s future, this programme is for you.

There is no 'one size fits all' path to healthy development and this programme will help show the way that's right for you and your family.

Amazing progress can be made when dedicated parents and caring professionals share their expertise and determination.

Advanced bio-genomic solutions

It is natural to feel overwhelmed, discouraged, frustrated or in need of a new path to follow when caring for a child with additional needs. Sometimes the smallest things stand in the way of recovery. Other times, the challenges we face in helping an individual child are immense.

Clear insight is needed into at-home interventions and clinician-supported therapies, evidence gathering and test options spanning both traditional and cutting edge solutions.

When we understand how to respond to unique genetic and biochemical patterns, we can harness the power of healthy development. 

Support and Inspiration

Our wish for you:

  • See you child's strengths, and celebrate him/her right now!
  • Honour his/her potential
  • Know that your child’s future is worth every effort
  • Uncover the missing links that prevent progress
  • Be empowered to apply the most recent developments in genetics, nutrition, biochemistry and psychology for your child’s benefit
  • Look back in years to come, knowing that you did what it took when your child needed you most.

Learn the fundamentals of healing for optimal development

Understand your child's unique neuro-biology

Become the 'expert parent' to shape your child's bright future

Progress through THRIVEChild 


Your child's circumstances are unique.

From symptoms, to tests, to supplements, to diets - from genetics to biochemical pathways, from managing moods to dealing with complex diagnoses, the THRIVEChild programme spans the range of practical help for you as you care for your child.


30+ programme hours are designed to help you reach a deeper understanding of your child's unique needs so you can make the changes required to help your child truly thrive


Core Modules guide you through the key developmental needs and barriers so you can navigate the  ‘maze’ of options available to help your child move to his or her  best developmental path.


Interactive workshops help cement the knowledge and skills to put everything you’ve learned into practice. What does and does not apply to your child or family? How can you avoid the pitfalls that keep a child from thriving?


Cutting edge science and practical know-how is presented in easy to implement steps.

We face information  overload today, with so many experts, anecdotes and recommendations. These are often confusing at best, or downright harmful.  

The true value of THRIVEChild is that you learn the what’s and the why’s of recovery & how to apply these to your child.


THRIVEChild Resources  include:

  • Guides and  templates help  prioritise and structure the way you work with your child as an 'expert parent'
  • Programme Journal to record, track and reflect on your child's progress 
  • Innovative THRIVEWheels and THRIVEMaps provide a framework for understanding how best to help your child.

What, Why and How?

Using the wide range of resources, you'll have the tools needed to problem solve as you deal with mould, histamine, mast cell dysfunction, yeasts, oxalates, special diets, PANS/PANDAS, methylation, toxic metals, stealth infections, detoxification, fever, allergies, environmental toxins, gluten and other barriers to progress.

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Hear from other parents

"some remarkable news ❤️ is happy, thriving, social, has made A LOT of progress towards doing everything by himself etc etc etc. Just pure positive…there is zero, none, nothing in terms of special needs or anything (except we just provide all his food). Further, language wise he fulfils all approx 30-40 milestones for his age, it’s like he’s reached 1 level up in terms of mental clarity. Happy all the time…  it’s been very remarkable.


"This course, has been very empowering and things that I never really thought about before I’ve  got the information to better process it and question things and observe a lot more. The main takeaways for me are observing my child in a in a different way now and doing things much with a lot more care, so i'm really, i'm really grateful”.

"My child has changed a lot since we've done this course and started working with you and he's really just really happy and he's enjoying things and he's just like a different child and we're having fun together. And it's just give me a lot of hope now, just like you say never, never give up, even when people tell you there's nothing that you can do, because I think, all of the parents in this group are similar in that we've all not believed that. And seeing the results now I’m so thankful that I joined”

"I just want to say thank you, I mean the knowledge you have is amazing, i'm completely in awe, for me it's so overwhelming that you know so much and so acutally sad that thrivechild is ending”

"I was very overwhelmed before taking this course. I would get bits of information here and there. Doing this course gives me more confidence to see things a bit more holistically"

"He's gone from being the pickiest eater to eating nearly everything. I can't believe how quickly that happened"

"THRIVEChild has been amazing!"

"You're really giving hope with knowledge together, and I think these are the most powerful tools to really have"

"His mood has improved a lot - he wakes up saying ‘I’m so happy’"

"This is the first time in a course that I'm feeling relaxed. What I think is the most remarkable point of the course is that you really give hope and not in a sugar coating because we know sugar is not good for us but you're really giving hope with knowledge together, and I think that these are the most powerful tools to really have"

Your wisdom is always appreciated beyond words

You are a star! You've shined and is (sic) shining the path for ❤️ and us. Amazing with everything…"

"I feel actually more confident, to be able to actually investigate things further so that's been wonderful-  I think this the whole course is very well balanced in different areas, but just as a general comment you know, there's the detail and the lifestyle possibilities and I really appreciate all the work that you've put into it"

Tell me more

Three weeks now and O is doing fantastic
He’s talking a lot more, laughing more, loves school, has made many new friends,
learned so many new things (he loves drawing and sung for the first time ever!). 

It's about you too, not just your child!

Quick Wins for Progress

Healthy child development should proceed as easily and naturally as breathing. But what happens when your child takes a different developmental path? What does a diagnosis mean?  Why is every child's situation unique and how can we simplify a path to healing?  What can you expect and what goals should we set? 

We explore the 'big picture' before focusing on the 'hidden' common factors that keep our kids from living their best lives. Old science/New Science - How does the body really work and what evidence do we need to help this one child?

And, most importantly, what are the 'quick wins' that help resolve unwanted symptoms that keep us 'bogged down' with everyday struggles. 

We can't promise you'll 'know it all', but THRIVEChild provides the blueprint to speed your child's progress.

When doing less is more

There may be a million different options to help your child. But how can you move past the confusion and overwhelm?  What are the things that every child needs to thrive, and what are the things that only apply to your child?  We Major on 'What to do', and 'How to do it'.

There is a saying that goes like this: 

If you want to make small changes, change what you do. If you want to make big changes, change the way you think. 

That might be quite a bit to take in, but there's more. You'll also learn how to really observe your child's unique symptoms, and more importantly, what they mean. 

You will discover how to prioritise and focus in on the most important steps for your child's developmental health and future. 

Becoming the THRIVEMAKER

Yes, much rests on you and we know that's not easy. But to create THRIVEChild, we've distilled the most valuable insights so that you can navigate the complexities of biochemistry, genetics and physiological elements that speed or slow developmental progress.

Discover the secrets of being Super-Nourished. Re-imagine your life so that all the day-to-day elements of health-building are in place for your child.  

Looking beyond these all-important foundations, what are the strategies needed to adapt to your child's specific needs?  From special diets to daily activities and everything in between, you will be ready to pivot as your child changes. This needn't be stressful when you're prepared and supported.

Highlights of THRIVEChild

Child and family assessment - What is unique about you and your child? You will explore the fine detail of your child's history and needs, family background and your goals and challenges.

Digging deeper - What is keeping your child from living his or her best possible life? You will assess tests options to uncover your child's bio-individuality and needs.

Super-nourished for optimal outcomes - far from being an optional 'extra', the way we nourish our children will likely have the biggest impact on their long term development, health and well-being. BUT, there are so many things we may need to 'unlearn' on the way. One favourite session unlocks the easy 'wins' that let us super-nourish our families in under 30 minutes a day. What will you do with the time you free up?

Interventions options - Our children are amazing individuals and our goal is that each one will have a future filled with hope and opportunity. We explore many additional ways to help them reach their highest potential, in terms of health, quality of life, competence, community, education for life, skills and interests. 

Community - In addition to the learn at your own pace modules, there are optional Interactive group workshops and Live Coaching opportunities. 

You may be wondering...

Hello, I'm Dr B


I'm Dr. Barendse. I help children with significant health challenges to move towards their optimal developmental path, so that they can reach their best possible quality of life and a bright future. 

My perspective is unique. As a scientist and clinician, I’ve had extraordinary opportunities to learn, contribute and balance research and knowledge with experience and insight. More than ever before, we need to find this balance - to embrace an expanding science and build on the wisdom of past generations to create healthy, vibrant young lives for the future.t the core, I’m a grateful mum who faced developmental and health challenges as best I could. But more than that, I’m an impossible idealist who is not afraid to think the unthinkable or challenge the status quo.

There comes a time in life where looking back seems to become more important and the benefit of hindsight marks out a clearer path. Where would that path have taken me? I can’t be sure, but I’m sharing what I know so that life could be a little easier for the next family along.

I'd love for that family to be yours... 

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